Who we are?
A group of competent local professionals committed to tap into the local potential of communities to address the emergency and local development challenges of their communities through local mobilizations and provision of technical support and resources to them in the areas of emergency aid management and aid distribution, agriculture and livelihood and vocational training interventions, technological trainings, health care and hygiene investment, local social and physical infrastructure development. These competent and committed individuals each has a long-term experience of working in the government and non-government and UN systems and communities decided to form the institution for provision of technical support, mobilize and distribute resources to communities and support the donors to fulfil the emergency and local development needs of communities in response to reduce poverty and vulnerability and marginalization.
This institution is called Omid Humanitarian and Development Organization for Afghanistan and its English abbreviation is (OHDOA). It is a non-political, non-governmental and non-profit institution and its activities will follow the law of non-governmental institutions and other applicable laws of the country. This is a social, non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization, with aim of supporting the communities to address their need and achieve their development goals.