+93 (0) 791611355

About Omid

Humanitarian and Development Organization for Afghanistan

Who we are?

A group of competent local professionals committed to tap into the local potential of communities to address the emergency and local development challenges of their communities through local mobilizations and provision of technical support and resources to them in the areas of emergency aid management and aid distribution, agriculture and livelihood and vocational training interventions, technological trainings, health care and hygiene investment, local social and physical infrastructure development. These competent and committed individuals each has a long-term experience of working in the government and non-government and UN systems and communities decided to form the institution for provision of technical support, mobilize and distribute resources to communities and support the donors to fulfil the emergency and local development needs of communities in response to reduce poverty and vulnerability and marginalization.
This institution is called Omid Humanitarian and Development Organization for Afghanistan and its English abbreviation is (OHDOA). It is a non-political, non-governmental and non-profit institution and its activities will follow the law of non-governmental institutions and other applicable laws of the country. This is a social, non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization, with aim of supporting the communities to address their need and achieve their development goals.

Our Mission

Our mission is empowering communities by provision of technical support for delivery of basic and humanitarian assistance services to local communities. The empowerment is focus on individuals, and communities with particular focus on women, girls, boys and vulnerable segments of communities. Our mission would be achieved through provision of basic and emergency humanitarian and development services, so that communities participate fully in society and influence their own development.

Our Vision

Local communities freed from all form of poverty, discrimination and violence, where all members of local communities are respected and live with dignity, enjoy equal opportunity and social justice and their basic needs are realized and they fully participate in their local development. The OHDOA will achieve this by working closely with communities, local and national civil society organizations and relevant government especially to eligible people in urban and rural areas regardless of political, ethnic, racial, linguistic, or political affiliations

OHDOA Caracterized by

All our work is based on the following values


we work closely with target groups to address thier needs and legitimate demands with an emphasis on local ownership


maintaining honesty and transparency in all of what we are doing and what we are planning for the mission.

Social Justice

we are commited to be fair to all with whom we work. respect the rights of all indivitual and think cretically about the ways in which we can improve social justice in the communities.


We want equal opportunities and facilitate equal access to resources for all citizens including women, girls, boys, disables and displaced people.


we do not take sides in conflict and we do not support parties representing various interest in society.

Our Area of expertise and interest

Our focus work areas include agriculture, livelihood and vocational trainings, and vocational training for females, health and hygiene, and basic local social and physical infrastructure development.
The following are the strength , assets and opportunities of the organization

  • In the area of personnel and Human resources:

    1. Dedicated and Experienced and Expert Afghans in the governance and management structure of the organization, who have been working in the area of community development as well as implementation of NSP, CCAP, EZ=KAR, REACH and other donor funded development programs.

    2. Committed and experiences staff in Management of community development and emergency program implementation.

    3. The staffs are experience working with government and donor funded program and has a strong understanding of their operational policy.

    4. Qualified experts in the area of engineering, agriculture, health, community development and IT development and management.

  • 1. Existence of Strong standard Operating procedures in the area of financial management, procurement, HR and …

    2. Strong community engagement and development training modules and manual with strong team of trainers and training material development experts.

    3. Strong culture of working as team and jointly to support the government and people of Afghanistan.

    4. Open for and strong believer of dialogue, discussion, partnership and mutual support

  • 1. Existence of strong governance and management structure filled with qualified Afghan experts. The following is in short the governance and management structure and for detail refer to the OMID charter.

    2. A Founders Group (FG)The Founder Group of OHDOA is the people who formed OHDOA organization in 2022 in Kabul City.

    3. Board of Directors:OHDOA has a Board of Directors consisting of minimum 5 members; the membership of the BoD is based on the votes the candidates receive from participants of the GA meeting. The BoD consists of four positions (chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and members). The BoD works for OHDOA organization for one year and one more year can be extended, but some of the members can work further if she/he gets vote at the GAM. The BoD meetings take place on quarterly bases.

    4. Executive Team:The Executive team consists of Executive Director, Program Manager, Operation Manager and head of the departments. BoD elects the Executive Director for three years she/he manages day to day activities of the organization.

  • The OMID has Package of training module and material as well as capability to design, develop and implement training in the area of community mobilization, health and hygiene, agriculture and livelihood ( Moneeb Sahib and other can add more)